And so we burn out..
Imagine what would NOT happen if we ran out of oil tomorrow. These thoughts will become reality as analysts are saying that we will run out of oil during this century. A century may feel like a long time now, but in any society’s history it is a split second. Well at least when you realize that the our society which relies on oil is not going to exist longer than that century. Before we discovered oil we managed fine without it and we will do so after oil does run out.
Energy and power will not run out, just the oil. This inevitable fact will make significant changes in the structures of our society more than any invention that man has engineered thus far. Before we completely run out of oil, the price will go to the clouds. Our children will remember the days when a liter of gasoline was under a pound or just a few Euros, depending on what country you live in.
The irony with the price increases is that in rural areas the price will increase more because you need to pay to get the gasoline delivered to the rural site.
That is why any energy policy should be taken care of by other means than price increases. The price increases are done in the hopes that consumers who get their electricity and power from companies who use crude oil, consume less of the precious reserves that we have.
The Chinese economy boom is truly a thing to marvel, but when we think of the greater implications these huge technological advances the country has achieved mean that their energy consumption has increased. This on the other hand speeds the rate that oil reserves are being depleted. Energy policies should allow for longevity for the society to adapt and explore effective and green forms of energy, so that every nation on this planet will have the common luxuries before the oil runs out.
However the one industry that will be most affected by the sudden depletion of oil is transportation, both humans and exported goods. Because of resilience from companies like Shell, Esso and other tier A oil and petrol producers, we will not find a cheap, effective and environmentally friendly solution until we have ran out of oil.
That is why communities and city planning should endorse public transport and minimizing congestion. Not just the everyday men, but corporations alike. Those societies and corporations who are the first to change their strategies to manage without oil will be the ultimate winners.
The solution lies within a redesign and change of our entire society. It would involve centralizing our economies, bringing forth fully electric railways; wide spread electric subways and most of all research into electricity systems dependant from oil, while driving the cost of public transport down. As it stands now it is cheaper for an individual to run a car to work than it is to use public transportation.
To corporations this would mean spreading of their operations closer to communities, because in the future they cannot afford to pay their employees to arrive from their homes to offices at distant locations. Work must reside close to home so it is feasibly affordable to get to.
The reality is that the decisions about society’s restructure need to be made imminently. And these talks must exclude nuclear power as this is something the government is obsessed with at the moment. It might be a cheap option but the amount of waste and the environmental implications are far too grave.
We are now at the cross roads, we are not to delay with these issues any more otherwise the century will soon be over and people will be left to burn what ever natural resources are left.
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